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Positive Wellbeing

in Life and Business

At Qui Coaching we believe that building a positive coaching relationship with a client is the key to a successful coaching experience for both the coach and the coachee. 

Reasons you might choose Qui Coaching..........

  • you feel your life/work is out of balance

  • its time to reassess what you truly want

  • you need something new in your life

  • you're unhappy about all or part of your life

  • you want help with a career change

  • you need to focus on the future  

  • you want to make changes in life 

  • you want to be happier

You can be the

initiator of change

or be responsive to it,

life changes either way

Whatever stage of the journey you're on we can help you take the next steps towards maintaining a well-balanced and happier life.

We listen to you and give you the space to think which will increase your awareness of the gap from where you are now to where you want to be. Together we will explore the options, challenges and actions that will enable you to move forward.

You are the author of your own life

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I had one session with Jacqui to discuss my business strategy and I was initially anxious that Jacqui would judge me because I didn't feel optimistic about my business. At the end of the session, with some tension relieving laughs along the way, I felt lighter and more optimistic. This was down to Jacqui's warmth, compassion and empathy which was definitely what I needed to feel re-energised! Jacqui didn't judge me at all and was so positive and caring.

Nilam Mehta

What our clients say

Jacqui is such a warm person, she really understands the importance of a non-judgmental space. Working under her guidance empowered me to explore new options to develop the next steps for my business and would highly recommend her services to anyone seeking

a supportive coach.

Val Canessa-Pollard

"I had a coaching session with Jacqui at a time when I was experiencing high levels of uncertainty and overwhelm around which country I was going to be living and developing a business in.  I was overwhelmed with the lack of clarity around what next steps to take.  We rapidly realised that some of the issues I needed support with in the short term were areas of business development that Jacqui had recently had experience of. 

So we pivoted to a hybrid coaching and mentoring session that left me with clarity and certainty about the next steps that I needed to take.

I immediately felt reassured, lighter and able to take the clear-headed focussed action and that has been necessary for me to progress in my business.  Thank you for your wisdom and insights, Jacqui."  


Christina Gordon-Henderson

I just had a lovely little session with Jacqui! I’m feeling very at peace after our session. I wanted a bit of help with confidence and Jacqui helped me remember where I was already confident, which felt really empowering to remember ❤️

And she helped me come to my own answers, in my own time, by asking some really great questions! Thanks Jacqui!!” 

Beth Handley

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