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What does a well-balanced life look like for you?



  • what does your life look like now?

  • how does that feel for you?

  • how would you like it to be in the future?

  • what is working well?

  • what might need to change?

  • how do you want to feel when you are where you want to be?

How I can help you to get there


I can help you get to where you want to be, using an integrated coaching approach of different modalities tailored to you and your situation.  We can explore tools from Positive Psychology that can help increase your positive wellbeing which will help you with motivation, perseverance, challenges, self-compassion, hope and resilience.


One example is the research based Human dashboard of well-being theory has five elements which work together to create a well-balanced life of meaning, purpose and increased happiness.


Positive Emotion






PERMA (Martin Seligman 2012)


Character Strengths are something else we can explore. Research tells us that increasing awareness and use of our strengths can help us to lead a more balanced and happier life. I can help you identify your strengths and we can explore how they can help you to reach your goals.  If you would like to find out more about your strengths go to where you can take a free strengths survey.



Let's work together!

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